Friday, 10 June 2011


LOl hahaha... Damn bored.. Well u know.. nothing to do.. It's getting freak when no one's around.. So I decided to write my first post here..

Okay.. (--__--") actually.. What should i write?? Ewwhh?? Any idea?? Owhh..kay.. Let me think.. Owh!! How about " MY IDEAL GUY " ?? Lol hahha.. I think it's freaking awesome huh?? Owh well.. Imma teenagers.. It's normal.. Lmfao!! haha..

Kay, first of all... BIs are totally rejected, erm.. although I have a lot of BI friends.. But yeah, they are cool, but u know.. I want a real guy. Lol, everyone has their own opinion rite??

Nehh... I need a matured guy, well, I easily fall in love with matured one.. Yeah, even i know, I'm not that matured, but.. what's the problem?? It's my choice, who cares huh?? Owwhh well.. another one, I need a guy taller than me.. Nehh.. Can't you see how cute me and "him" could be?.. (--__--") Lol, I don't care if I'm short, I think short girls are cute.. Don't you think so??

Euuwhh... Romantic?? no, that's not important.. Just kick that out from the list.. I want a guy, who can accept me, just the way I am.. haha.. Lol, like Bruno said " Just The Way You Are.." lol..!! XD That would be perrrrrrrfect..

What else??.. erm.. GURLSS!!! Don't you ever wanted a guy who will treat you like a princess?? (^^) aww... Bigggg smiles huh!! Yea, i love that one. Feel soooo protected, warm.. and wowwww.... you know.. hehe.. *evil smiles..*

Hurrmm.. Oww yeahh!!! I need a huggable one too.. hehe.. Not because I love cuddling others, it's because i am huggable too.. Lol.. wth I'm talking about?? O_O ermm.. hehe.. forget it.. I want to be treated well, yeah I'm spoiled.. So what???

And yup, if I love someone, sorry bitches... get out from my way.. Or else.. You'll regret for not taking care of your own ass.. haha.. Don't say I didn't warn you.. XD hahaha.. Okay..

Next post, idk what should I write.. But if you have any idea, do tell me please.. We can share together.. hehe.. Okay, nice evening!! Muaahhkkxxx.. (~_^)...

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