Friday, 10 June 2011


ROFL!!! hhaahha... Wth with all those haters?? Owwhh.. okay.. I should admit.. "Haters make me famous" !! XD hahaha.. Okay fine.. I'm ugly, monster, ahuhh..?? what more?? owww yeah?? SO WHAT??


huh!! take that!

Are you jealous for not being like me? Oww yeah, I know.. I'll feel the same if i am you.. LOL. hahah.. so stop telling me that i'm ugly coz i know i'm NOT.. xD

Owh btw, can u pleaseeeeee take care of yourself, and stop annoying me with those complaints? Get well soon.. XD haha.. You freak me out you jerk!!

Okay so I'm gonna tell this to those people out there who has the same prob like I do. Oh well.. Haters wont stop talking, we all know that... So just ignore them and be ourself, hehe.. "Confident is Important" yeappp...

And you.. yeah you!! The one who's reading this.. You're awesome!! XD haha.. Kay, bye!!


LOl hahaha... Damn bored.. Well u know.. nothing to do.. It's getting freak when no one's around.. So I decided to write my first post here..

Okay.. (--__--") actually.. What should i write?? Ewwhh?? Any idea?? Owhh..kay.. Let me think.. Owh!! How about " MY IDEAL GUY " ?? Lol hahha.. I think it's freaking awesome huh?? Owh well.. Imma teenagers.. It's normal.. Lmfao!! haha..

Kay, first of all... BIs are totally rejected, erm.. although I have a lot of BI friends.. But yeah, they are cool, but u know.. I want a real guy. Lol, everyone has their own opinion rite??

Nehh... I need a matured guy, well, I easily fall in love with matured one.. Yeah, even i know, I'm not that matured, but.. what's the problem?? It's my choice, who cares huh?? Owwhh well.. another one, I need a guy taller than me.. Nehh.. Can't you see how cute me and "him" could be?.. (--__--") Lol, I don't care if I'm short, I think short girls are cute.. Don't you think so??

Euuwhh... Romantic?? no, that's not important.. Just kick that out from the list.. I want a guy, who can accept me, just the way I am.. haha.. Lol, like Bruno said " Just The Way You Are.." lol..!! XD That would be perrrrrrrfect..

What else??.. erm.. GURLSS!!! Don't you ever wanted a guy who will treat you like a princess?? (^^) aww... Bigggg smiles huh!! Yea, i love that one. Feel soooo protected, warm.. and wowwww.... you know.. hehe.. *evil smiles..*

Hurrmm.. Oww yeahh!!! I need a huggable one too.. hehe.. Not because I love cuddling others, it's because i am huggable too.. Lol.. wth I'm talking about?? O_O ermm.. hehe.. forget it.. I want to be treated well, yeah I'm spoiled.. So what???

And yup, if I love someone, sorry bitches... get out from my way.. Or else.. You'll regret for not taking care of your own ass.. haha.. Don't say I didn't warn you.. XD hahaha.. Okay..

Next post, idk what should I write.. But if you have any idea, do tell me please.. We can share together.. hehe.. Okay, nice evening!! Muaahhkkxxx.. (~_^)...